Three Points on Unilateral Annexation
The extensive study by the Commanders for the Security of Israel shows that:
1. Unilateral annexation – extensive or limited, can cause serious damage to Israel’s security, economy, its regional and international standing, and its legal and social-internal spheres. The cumulative impact endangers the very zionist vision.
2. Any unilateral annexation, even partial, could lead to the cancellation of security coordination and possibly the collapse of the Palestinian Authority, and to a third intifada. This would require a full military occupation of the territory of the West Bank, the application of military governance, and the management (and financing) of the lives of millions of Palestinians. Policymakers and the Israeli public must be aware of both the possibility of deterioration and its consequences.
3. Policymakers need a great deal of responsibility and caution when making such a decision. They are required to conduct thorough research and assess all risks and prices, as well as the ability to deal with them, by the defense and other relevant departments, to discuss their findings, and present them to the Knesset and the people.
The fact that the political system is slipping into a decision that has far-reaching implications for the future of Israel and the security of its residents without doing its homework is reckless and irresponsible.